
Time difference between Moscow and Khanty-Mansiysk: 2 hours
Geographic latitude: 61°00′
Geographic longitude: 69°01′
Khanty-Mansiysk, a capital of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, is situated in the Western Siberia on Irtysh river (a port), only 15 km . away from a fall of Irtysh into Ob, 264 km west of railway station “Pyt’-Yah”, 1076 km . north-east of Tyumen, 2759 km . north-east of Moscow on seven treed hills. This nice and comfortable town reminds of Scandinavian resorts.
Khanty-Mansiysk is a town with unique, even for 21 st century, social infrastructure is flourishing: according to the decision of the authorities all industrial productions were moved out of the town. In and around the town taiga wood was cleared and put to an appropriate ecological state. In essence taiga wood became a national park of Siberia . Here in practice a rare combination of comfortable urbanism and ecological purity was created. Taiga spread for hundred kilometers to all parts from the town provides the existence of such unique.

Nowadays Khanty-Mansiysk is forming not only as a centre of the oil region but is becoming more like centre of business activity, sport, and national culture. Arts Centre for Talented Children of North which is one of the best in Russia , biathlon centre of the international level, airport of original architecture, equipped with the modern facilities having strip for all types of aircraft, office and business centre, House of Peoples’ Friendship, Temple Complex for 1000 church members with Samarovo high school for 60 people, telephone and TV connection that give possibility to contact any place around the world, street coin-box telephones, comfortable housing – this is not a complete list of available and raising facilities that change the image of the ancient town. Uniqueness of the modern architecture in combination with nature attracts hundreds of tourists and guest to this town annually.

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