29.10.2007 15:57___ translated by Anna Ivanchenko

Creators Synectics global consulting company compiled a rating of 100 modern geniuses which includes one Ukrainian.

The commission chose geniuses by grading each one on a ten-point scale taking into account several factors, reports British publication “The Telegraph”; its article was translated by InoPressa website.

Among such factors are the role in changing system of views, societal acknowledgement, power of intelligence, achievements and cultural importance.

The first position on the list compiled by the commission of six innovation specialists was divided between Sir Tom Berners-Lee – British computer scientist, one of those who invented Internet, and Albert Hoffmann – Swiss scientist who invented LCD.

The rating includes one Ukrainian, artist and sculptor Ivan Marchuk who occupies the 72nd place.

Three Russians also got into the rating: Grigoriy Perelman, mathematician (9th place), Garry Kasparov, chess player (25th place) and Mikhail Kalashnikov, fire-arms constructor (83rd place).

Besides, the geniuses’ rating is adorned by investor and philanthropist George Soros, Tibet spiritual leader Dalay-lama, American film director Steven Spielberg, American chess player Bobby Fisher and American boxer Mohammad Ali.

The 43rd place was divided between terrorist Usama bin Laden and founder of Microsoft Corporation Bill Gates.

The rating also includes American actress Meryl Strip, Spanish singer Placido Domingo, British musician Paul McCartney, American writer Stephen King, engineer and co-founder of Apple Computers Steve Voznyak.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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