Gary Kasparov wants Croatian citizenship
Croatian Times

Former world chess champion Gary Kasparov has placed a request to get Croatian citizenship. The Russian chess Grandmaster known for politically opposing Russian president Vladimir Putin, now expects a reply from Croatian authorities, daily newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija reveals. Gary Kasparov has in the past often spent his holidays in southern Croatian town of Makarska. Besides opposing the policy of Vladimir Putin in Russia, Gary Kasparov is a candidate for the president of World Chess Federation.


Kasparov’s Latvian Gambit – Kasparov seeks Latvian citizenship

11 November 2013

This week, Garry Kasparov, legendary Russian chess grandmaster and one of the leaders of the country’s pro-democracy opposition, has officially requested Latvian citizenship. In his letter to the Saeima (Parliament), which can grant citizenship to foreigners based on “special merit” (and which has made 174 such decisions since 2000), Kasparov explained that a Latvian passport would give him the security to work “in Russia and in other countries across the world where civil rights are denied and democratic norms are trampled on.”

The former world chess champion emphasized that he chose Latvia both because of his longstanding links with that country (he won important competitions there in the 1970s, and his son currently holds a Latvian residency permit) and because of its democratic credentials. “It is very important for me that modern Latvia is an accomplished democratic state that has successfully overcome totalitarian legacy and integrated into the European family of nations,” he noted. Kasparov’s main reason for requesting dual citizenship is his ongoing campaign for the presidency of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) against a pro-Kremlin opponent. “In these circumstances,” he explains, “I cannot entrust my freedom of movement to Putin’s foreign ministry.”

Full article here.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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