GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov, the former world knockout champion (from Uzbekistan) won the 13th Ordix Open on tie-breaks. He scored 9.5 points out of 11 games. GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov landed on second place in tie-breaks.
Natalia Zhukova (Ukraine) won the ladies’competition in the Ordix Open with 8.5 points. She finished ahead of the top seed Kosteniuk of Russia just as in the Turin Olympiad.
1. GM Kasimdzhanov,Rustam 2673 9.5
2. GM Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar 2722 9.5
3. GM Morozevich,Alexander 2730 9.0
4. GM Harikrishna,Pentela 2682 90
5. GM Mchedlishvili,Mikhail 2572 9.0
6. GM Ruck,Robert 2537 9.0
7. GM Agrest,Evgenij 2587 9.0
Lajos Portisch (Hungary) was the best senior player with 8 points. The best player U20 was Csaba Balogh (Hungary). He scored 8 points.
Here are the final standings.
“former world ‘knockout’ champion” – what’s that? He was World Chess Champion under FIDE auspices, the only internationally recognized world chess championship.