Kings and Queens Come Out to Play in New York City
Kirsten Hall
Published: Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Updated: Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NEW YORK– It is a typical day in Midtown Manhattan; sirens are blaring as bright yellow taxis whizz past busy pedestrians on their Bluetooths. Shoppers bump into oblivious children engrossed in their game boys and ipods, while the subway rumbles beneath their feet like some caged beast. In the midst of all of the commotion, a father and his son sit in the middle of Greeley square playing a rousing game of chess.

In a world of cheap thrills and digital junkies, some find greater entertainment and excitement through playing the traditional game of chess.

Russell Makofsy, the director of Chess NYC, an organization whose sole purpose is to promote the game of chess and chess playing in New York, believes that competitive nature of chess and the mental challenge is what really draws people to the game.

“I’ve had people describe chess as a puzzle…people who like sudoku and other games that engage your mind, that’s the sort of person that chess attracts,” he said, “I’ve also heard people say that they become addicted to the thrill of checkmating someone.”

Here is the full article.

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