Boca student excels in chess

Published Monday, July 2, 2007
by By Nicol Jenkins

Many would say Jeffrey Haskel of Boca Raton is beyond his years.

Most would agree with the phrase when it comes to chess.

Even his father, who organizes and directs chess tournaments, says he’s out of his league.

“He’s too good for me now,” said his father Jon Haskel. “We stopped playing chess together a long time ago.”

And his son has awards to prove it. Haskel, 15, recently placed first in the 2007 Florida Invitational Superstars Tournament in the high school section for chess.

As winner of this tournament, he qualified to represent Florida in the Denker Tournament of State High School Champions in July.

“He’s only in ninth-grade and it’s usually won by a kid in 11th or 12th grade,” his father said. “It’s a very big honor. A lot of kids strive to go to this tournament and never get to go to it.”

Here is the full article.

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