Obiettivo Risarcimento Padova Wins Italian Team Chess Championship
14 clubs playing on 29th April to 2nd May in Arvier, Aosta Valley

The Italian Team Chess Championship is taking place from 29th April to 2nd May in Arvier, Aosta Valley. 14 teams compete in the seven-rounds Swiss tournament. The schedule is very tight, with three 2-game days and last game on 2nd May in the morning.

According to the average elo, taking into consideration the best 4 players, the highest rated team is Padova (with GM Fabiano Caruana and GM Kiril Georgiev), then Pesaro (with super-GM Alexey Shirov), then Chieti (with GM Vallejo Pons). Marostica as usual has GM Huebner and GM Godena.

Exactly the top-seeded Obiettivo Risarcimento Padova claimed the Championship for men one round before the end of the race. Padova in fact won against Marostica (draw between Huebner and Caruana) and Chieti won against Pesaro (Shirov beat Vallejo).

Earlier, the Italian national star Fabiano Caruana defeated Alexei Shirov in one of the most interesting games of the tournament.

Thus after 6 rounds out of 7, Padova has unreachable 12 points, while Pesaro and Chieti are behind with only 8 each. The last round will decide the second and third place.

Also in the women Italian team championship the winner is known one round before the end – it is the team of Cheti (with WGMs Martha Fierro and Olga Zimina).

Official website

News by Adolivio Capece

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