FIDE rates Iranian chess players

Sun, 07 Oct 2007 10:04:35

World Chess Federation (FIDE) rates Iranian players.The latest list released by the World Chess Federation (FIDE) states that four Iranian chess players are rated above the 2500 level. The World Chess Federation has recently released a list of Iran’s 100 active players.

The 25-year-old Ehsan Qaem-Maqami is rated 2591 as the top Iranian in the chart. FIDE titled him grand master with 54 games.

With twenty nine games to his name, Elshan Moradi-Abadi was rated at the level of 2521 and awarded the title of grand master.

Morteza Mahjoob, another Iranian player, who is placed as the third, attained the rate of 2516 with 37 games and was titled by FIDE as international master.

Shoja’at Qane’, with 19 games to his name and a rating of 2507, was also given the title of international master.

FIDE announces the list of active players of the world every three months.

Source: Iranian Press TV

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