Disclaimer: As a matter of fairness, I will publish articles, letters, and information from both parties when I receive them.

Comme Kasparov, la FFE s’est engagée aux côtés de Karpov dans son combat pour la présidence de la FIDE. Kasparov et Karpov vous donnent rendez-vous dans le n°602 d’Europe Echecs.

Pour tout savoir sur cette campagne violente, lisez les interviews exclusives des « 2K » !

Karpov vs Ilymzhinov : Une guerre totale

Une campagne où tous les coups sont permis.

Extrait : Le candidat Karpov n’envisageait pas que le combat serait aussi violent. Cette plongée en eaux profondes lui dévoile les rouages les plus obscurs de la FIDE.

Ce qu’il découvre est à la fois scandaleux et pathétique.



Does this rapprochement with Karpov have anything to do with his attempt to visit you during your brief jailing for political activity in Moscow in 2007?

Of course that was a generous gesture by Anatoly and one I appreciated then and now.

What sort of work do you do with the Karpov campaign?

Well, it was a little bit of a shock to see Karpov refer to me as his campaign chief in an interview he gave recently in Buenos Aires, but in many ways that is what has happened. This wasn’t the plan, it just evolved that way. I am traveling all the time and I’m on the phone constantly. I’ve been learning the subtleties of the internal workings of the federations of Cyprus and Puerto Rico the way I once studied the Najdorf. It’s a global campaign, with action on every part of the board all the time, which means in every time zone. It has been quite a challenge.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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