Full Name: Pavel Tregubov

Age: 37

Profession/Occupation: chess player

Preferred color: blue

Best ever game: Nothing to say

Best ever moment as a chess player: European Champion 2000

Worst ever moment: Russian Championship 2005

Any superstitions before or during a game: None

Favourite piece: Bishop

Idol in chess: Karpov, Kramnik

Idol in life: None

Best modern chessplayer: Carlsen

Best country: I had the chance to visit a lot of wonderful countries, not easy no choose one.

Best country to play chess: Russia, the Netherlands

Favourite music: I like different kind of music …

Favourite meal: Sashimi, cheesecake …

What rule change would you like to see in chess: To abolish completely the Swiss system and find a good substitution for tournaments with a large number of participants (KO, double KO or another system)

Current opening: Nothing to say.

Dream opening: Nothing to say.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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