Provided by Anna Matnadze

Full Name: EDOUARD Romain

Age: 19 (soon to be 20!)

Profession/Occupation: Chess Player

Preferred color: Well, White!

Best ever game: Against Vlad Tkachiev in the last french championship!Best ever moment as a chess player: my international titles when I was younger, especially the first one (European U16 Champion 2006)

Worst ever moment: Well, difficult to say, I’m crazy like all chess player, and what I consider bad moments are the lost games! 😀 To be more serious, the only dislikable moments are when you play bad somewhere and have nothing to enjoy there (no friends, awful place, bad weather and so on).

Any superstitions before or during a game: I make too many one-move mistakes, so I always expect when will be my next one!

Favourite piece: This mysterious knight!

Idol in chess: No idol, come on! 😀

Idol in life: Same answer 😉

Best modern chess player: Magnus!!!

Best country: Spain!!! Come on, you would kill me if I was answering something else.

Best country to play chess: Spain, also, most of the time, though there are well organized events everywhere, fortunately.

Favourite music: I like dynamic musics in general.

Favourite meal: me gustan las tapas! 😀

What rule change would you like to see in chess: castling is so boring… Ok, to be honest, I’m not a big fan of drawing-restrictions, simply because I always offer draw with good reason, no matter that it’s move 10 or 80. Still, I understand the necessity of this rule sometimes – especially in round robin tournaments – to fight against lazy people! 😀

Current opening: I play many, maybe even too much of them!

Dream opening: The one I’ll play decently, a day…!

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