This game was played last night at the US Open. White is GM Benjamin and Black is GM Kaidanov. Your assignment is to play this out. The task is to go for win as White and hold on for a draw as Black.
I hate endgames but last night at my local club I won and imbalanced endgame with both of us going down to last minute of play! Here I could only see a draw even though initially I thought White could win, these are sample moves: 1. Bc4 a5 2. b4 Kg7 3. d4 f5 4. ba ba 5. Bb3 Kf6 6. c4 Here I thought the two pawns would win. 6………f4 7. c5 Ke7 8. d5 Ne5 9. Ke2 g5 10.Ba4 g4 11.d6+ Ke6 12.Bb3+ Kd7 13.Be5 Nc6 14.Be4 Ne5 and here I don’t see a way to make any progress.
yeah.. I looked at the position for 5 seconds and thought that 1.b4 was good.. threatening Bb7 – forcing black to play a5.. and create two strong passers after 1…a5 2.bxa5
I hate endgames but last night at my local club I won and imbalanced endgame with both of us going down to last minute of play! Here I could only see a draw even though initially I thought White could win, these are sample moves:
1. Bc4 a5
2. b4 Kg7
3. d4 f5
4. ba ba
5. Bb3 Kf6
6. c4 Here I thought the two pawns would win.
7. c5 Ke7
8. d5 Ne5
9. Ke2 g5
10.Ba4 g4
11.d6+ Ke6
12.Bb3+ Kd7
13.Be5 Nc6
14.Be4 Ne5
and here I don’t see a way to make any progress.
The bishop is better at covering ground on both sides of the board. It’s good for the bishop to keep watch over the most important squares.
So there may be a better move than 1.Bc4….
yeah.. I looked at the position for 5 seconds and thought that 1.b4 was good.. threatening Bb7 – forcing black to play a5.. and create two strong passers after 1…a5 2.bxa5