Revised policy for World Chess Championship coverage

To: ICC members and staff
From: Joel Berez, President

Re: Revised policy for World Chess Championship coverage

I’d like to advise all of you about a change in policy regarding ICC relays and commentary of the Championship games whereby we will eliminate the delay in showing moves, effective as of Game 3 tomorrow.

Those of you who have been following our otherwise-excellent coverage know that the one flaw has been a 30-minute delay before we showed the moves or discussed them as having been made. This delay had been imposed upon us as a condition of allowing access to the venue for our on-site correspondent, Macauley Peterson.

ICC had been led to believe that all major chess sites would be subject to the same condition–which was intended to enhance the perceived value of the official coverage service by Foidos–thereby causing minimal negative impact for our own members.

Unfortunately this proved not to be the case, leaving ICC in the peculiar position of possibly being the only site honoring–or even expected to honor–this restriction, resulting in a great deal of angst and confusion and doing a major disservice to our members.

Many long time ICC members are aware of our view that chess moves are not protectable property and our track record of successfully fighting anyone who tried to claim otherwise, so they have been particularly surprised by this concession. However, the growth in the last couple of years of high-quality event coverage on ICC, including on-site interviews of top players as well as online qualifying events for major tournaments, has been facilitated by our shift from a sometimes adversarial relationship with tournament organizers to a more collaborative approach. In exchange for special and possibly unique access in these events, ICC will naturally try to accommodate any reasonable organizer requests.

As it turned out, though, the 30-minute delay proved to be neither reasonable nor workable. Therefore we will no longer delay the moves. Whether or not this will adversely impact our on-site access remainsto be seen, but we feel that it is more critical to bring our members the timeliest information possible and, in any case, this will not impact our excellent live commentary or popular game-of-the-day videos except to bring them to you 30 minutes earlier.

Please accept my apology for any discomfort that the previous policy may have caused you in the last two days and know that ICC continues to work hard to offer the best available coverage of any major chess event.

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