Kasparov’s toughest match: Trying to checkmate Putin
By Matthew Chance
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) — Garry Kasparov has defeated the world’s greatest chess players and battled a supercomputer for supremacy. Now, he’s facing his toughest opponent, but trying to check the power of Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn’t been easy.
Intensely sharp, the energetic 44-year-old Kasparov, whose political opposition party has been the most vocal against Putin’s Kremlin, can hardly suppress his fury with the country’s leadership.
Jailed for five days before Sunday’s parliamentary elections, the brooding grandmaster has spent long hours plotting his moves and countermoves.
“This regime is entering a very dangerous phase that is turning it into a dictatorship,” he told journalists as he arrived at his Moscow apartment shortly after his release on Thursday.
He said he had been denied access to a lawyer since his arrest at a banned anti-government protest that he organized in Moscow last weekend, but that his commitment to opposing Putin remained strong.
“I’m undeterred in my resolution to fight this regime,” he said. Watch Kasparov won’t be a pawn »
Here is the full CNN article.
Garry wants to be Czar Kasparov. Pawn is no good.
That is total B.S. Garry wants a free Russia.
“defeating Putin” is a way too easy. in a few months he forfeits on time. it will not change anything really. sad, but true. changing the situation is far too formiddable task for GK.
doesn’t GK know? he’s not stupid, he does. that’s why he has no supporters in Russia. GK wants some Western funds for his “campaign”. that’s it. so he says something that is easy for CNNs to preach (“free Russia”), and for parrots to repeat.
GM Kasparov knows excatly what he is doing. It is not about defeating Putin. Its about a battle of ideas. Freedom vs. Tyranny. Love vs. Fear.
GM Kasparov is planting mental seeds into the minds of young Russians. One of these days, these flowers will bloom and revolution for freedom will begin. The youth will lead the revolution like always my friends.
This is how a free republic is born. An idea is more powerful than the most deadly nuclear bomb.
Peace is immortal, war is temporary.
The Bothers Karamazov
But why, WHY, does he march along with those holding up the Nazi flag, enriched with the Stalin coa of arms. Is it enough to be a CHESS genius, to be seen as a Messias? Can anybody explain this?
Kasparov doesn’t march with people holding the nazi flag.
This is fascist propaganda.
Hello leroidavid,
you know the flag of the National-Bolsheviks? You know their armbands? Do you?