Disclaimer: As a matter of fairness, I will publish articles, letters, and information from all parties when I receive them.
Dear friends,
As you know we have never used the word “I” in our Campaign, but here I should use it. I have received a lot of feedback from distinguished delegates and the federations of Europe concerning the recent debates about the bids and evaluation reports for 2012 European events and for the 2013 European Team Championship.
Although it was clearly stated on our website, I would like to remind you of my position as regards conflict of interest should I be the President of Europe after 29th September 2010.
While I am the President of Europe, the Turkish Chess Federation will not bid for any European events. I mentioned this to many delegates during my campaign visits, and I want to thank those of you who said you were not happy about this, because you have experienced good organization in Turkey, and because you thought that this would not be good for chess. However, in my view, such bids would clearly represent a conflict of interest. I am the President of the Turkish Chess Federation, but by the 29th September 2010, if your decision is favourable, I will be President of the European Chess Union.
Under my leadership, the ECU will be fully transparent and impartial with respect to the bidding procedure. We will make the changes necessary to create a clear and fair bidding procedure, such that even the losers will be satisfied with the decision in the future. This means that not only will we evaluate, check, and decide which is the best bid, but we will also change the regulations to give fair chances to organize events to all of Europe, not just one part. European events will be organized in an even-handed way by respecting geographical fairness.
But the TCF will not bid for any European event, except that if no other federation makes a bid, the TCF will stand as an insurance policy and will organize that event in Turkey under the best possible conditions. That is my guarantee. I am not running for ECU President to get an unfair advantage for the organization of events in Turkey.
I also want to repeat that all bids, present or future, coming from board members’ federations will be treated equally with those from other federations. I give you my personal promise and guarantee of that. Also, for the ongoing discussion of current bids, I respect the decision of Mr. Boris Kutin, President of the European Chess Union, and give my full support.
Our success in our federations is the guarantee of our promises.
Winning is a habit, Success is a choice
Ali Nihat YAZICI
Thank you for being fair.