Childish Games

Isn’t it obvious that FIDE does not trust Kramnik and they really don’t care about any type of unification match with Kramnik? They know that even if Kramnik wins, there is no guarantee that he will defend his title under FIDE auspices in the future. If he loses, he may blame the entire negotiation process. The bottom line is MONEY and EGO. If Kramnik can find big money and pay FIDE 20% fees then most of the problems are solved. If not, don’t expect much.

FIDE is confident that they will continue to find sponsors for their cycles, whichever format that will be. Like it or not, FIDE is the only organization that can find money consistently. They don’t need Kramnik. They don’t care for Kramnik. They made that clear. They have the money of Ilyumzhinov and friends.

Kramnik decided to jump from FIDE in 2000 for a shot at Kasparov and cash when he did not even qualify for this match. He lost badly to Shirov (the one who unfairly lost the most). Ah yes, the magic word, CASH! Please don’t insult the intelligence of all chess players now by telling us that he cares so much about chess and he wants this match in the best interest of chess. Kramnik is for the best interest of Kramnik. There is nothing wrong with that. Just say it straight out. He would gain more respect that way.

He is ready to defend his title? Huh? FIDE has already shown that they really do not care so much about this title and they are not going to let Kramnik hijack the World Championship title. So what is he defending? Kramnik desperately wants FIDE and Topalov to recognize his title. FIDE for sure will not fall for this trap again. Topalov is in no hurry to rescue Kramnik. So we have a stalemate just like the past few years.

If Kramnik is confident that he can organize a championship cycle on his own then he would have done it long ago. If he cannot and wants to crawl back to FIDE for this match then don’t insult the other two parties. Isn’t that obvious? Does he really expect Topalov and FIDE to go down on their knees and accept his offer? What school of negotiation does this come from? This is not in the best interest of chess and it will hurt him more. This is just as bad as the excuse of the Brissago affect. He wants to feel that he is in the same class as Kasparov. I am sorry but only Kasparov is in the class of Kasparov, good or bad.

Everything could have been avoided if Kramnik had the courage to offer Kasparov a rematch a few years ago, especially when Kasparov basically took him under his wing. But he wanted to avoid this match at all costs. This is Kramnik’s battle. Have you seen even one top GM jumping in to vigorously defend Kramnik? No. That is because no one cares. I have seen many top GMs offering the opposite view. He made his mess. Now he needs to fix his own mess. History will be will be the judge and I can assure you that many people have considered him a coward for ducking Kasparov.

I could not care less one way or another. Chess professionals have bigger problems to deal with than having to worry about Kramnik. As I said many times in the past, I like his game. I admire his style of play. Kramnik is a wonderful player and I have nothing against him on a personal level. I just think that he has made a series of blunders which are bad for chess after defeating Kasparov.

This is my take. Any professional chess player has a number of options if they don’t like FIDE:

1. Bolt like Kasparov did and find his own sponsors and money

2. Work to change the leadership of FIDE

3. Do nothing and take the money

4. Leave the game

5. Complain, complain, complain but do nothing

I am sure that this game is not over. In the mean time, expect more insults from all parties. I truly hope this will not be the case for the sake of chess but I will not hold my breath. Welcome to the world of chess 2005.Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar