Big promos were done for Hikaru! But not our Hikaru Nakamura, unfortunately. It is actually a video game for Go. Perhaps one day chess software companies would do the same as other sports in using their stars.

Hikaru No Go: No go.

Reviewer: Alan Hogue Rating (out of 5): **½

It’s surely a good sign for American Go enthusiasts that a sports anime about the game of Go, designed essentially as a recruiting tool for young people – a commercial, really – has been distributed in this country. This would have been unthinkable a few years ago. I decided to give Hikaru No Go a look mainly because, as enthusiastic as I am about this particular board game, watching an anime about Go sounded a bit like watching plants grow. Sure, I might be into it, but how could Go, a game which visually consists of black and white dots on a grid, be made interesting to non-players? How could a game which takes quite a bit of study and experience merely to begin to understand its subtleties possibly be given the Rocky Balboa treatment?

Here is the link to the promo.

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