Heart of America Chess Tournament
Spring April 19-20, 2014
Ramada Inn, 1601 N Universal Ave., Kansas City MO 64120
HR: $59 for 1-4 in a room or $59 for a King room reserve by 4/3 or rate increases mention Heart of America Chess for the group rate
6 Sections: Open, A, B, C, D, Under 1200 & Unrated
Open: $600-$400-$300; Under 2300: 250-150-100-75
A/B/C/D/U1200& Unrated: 250-175-125-75 each section!
EF: 45 postmarked by April 7, 2014 – $60 at the door
On site registration 8-9:30 on 4/19
Rounds: 10, 2:30, 7; Sunday 9&2
Byes: any round must commit by 5pm on 4/19.
Advance entries: Bob Holliman, PO Box 1871, Indepence MO 64055
Discounts: group entries, families contact the organizer via email
Questions: chess_entries@comcast.net – put HOA Spring in the subject line
Other information: www.chessmasterbob.com