European Team Championship 2007 in Heraklio
The ACP Board would like to congratulate the ECU, the Greek Chess Federation and
and the Organising Committee of the European Team Championship 2007, which took
place from October 27th to November 7th in Creta Maris hotel on the island of Crete.
The level of organization was extremely high. Accommodation and food were excellent,
while playing facilities left nothing to wish for.
Such conditions allow players to concentrate totally on chess in order to produce their
best efforts. Moreover, the location of the Creta Maris Hotel also provided for spending a
nice time at a marvellous holiday resort.
In short, perfect organization!
ACP Board
The 8th of November 2007
Patting each other on the back?
‘Twas easy! You know why?
Because Greece has:
The Best organizers,
The Best arbiters,
The Best Managers and
The Best Food!
Except the fact that ACP is not related with the organisors…
I remind you that Greece is pro Kirsan. The president of Greek chess federation is Makropoulos (that most of people in this blog hate..)
ACP is NOT in good terms in general with them (the opposition, pro Besel).
So it was indeed a good organization and was not just patting each other on the back… (why for exasmple they didn’t do the same in other Olympiads or Team events??)