In this game Zhu Chen opened with d4 and Wenjun responded with the sharp King’s Indian Defense, rapidly creating complications with an attack against white’s king. This game was a classic reflection of the aggressive KID ideology, as black first defended against white’s queenside pressure and later completely abandoned that side of the board to direct her entire energy towards a decisive kingside attack. In the midst of extreme complications, Wenjun struck with 40. …Bh3! after which Zhu Chen was unable to recover against black’s onslaught. Black’s Q + 2N combination worked wonders on white’s defenseless king, leading to Chen’s resignation after 48. …Nh3+
Original Article on Zhu Chen vs Ju Wenjun 2011 Women Grand Prix – Shenzhen, China available on William’s site with interactive chessboard and further analysis.

National Chess Master William Stewart is a Chess Coach who maintains a daily updated Chess Blog with videos as well.
Who’s the babe?
Great commentary – more please