I found 1… Qh1 2 Kg3 Qe1 3 Kh3 Re3 4 Qe3 Qe3 5 g3 Qg1! and white has no good way to stop black from mating. Anonymous at 8:21 seems to have found a quicker way though.
I also found Justin’s line with the silent move Qg1. I do not understand this (referring to our “solution” (if it is one)) post at all:
“If Black ever fails to play a forcing move, White has the interesting resource:
Qh8+ Kxh8 b8=Q+ Kg7 Bh6+ Kxh6 Qg8+
haven’t completely analyzed it, but looks like a draw by repetition
so, anon@1:16, your line may not work” 1. What is the advantage of the new queen on b8 to that of the old queen? 2. Isn’t the second Qh8 (I predict this Qg8+ to be a Qh8+) which is said to be a repetition a mating move? 3. Why should the black king be forced to take that bishop?
1… Qh1+
2 Kg3 Qe1+
3 Kh3 (if Kf3, Qf2++)
4 QxR QxQ++
there’s even a mate …
3.- Nf2+!
4.Kh2 Qh1+
5.Kg3 Ne4+
6.Kf3 Qf1+
7.Ke3 Qf2+
8.Kd3 Qd2#
Thanks for the correction, anonymous 8:21
I found 1… Qh1 2 Kg3 Qe1 3 Kh3
Re3 4 Qe3 Qe3 5 g3 Qg1! and white has no good way to stop black from mating. Anonymous at 8:21 seems to have found a quicker way though.
-Justin Daniel
How about mate in 3:
1… Qh1+
2. Kg3 Qh2+
3. Kf3 Qh3#
This looks like yesterday’s Gopal v Bologan game that ended in a draw. I didn’t compare positions, so it could be slightly modified.
To anon@3:04, Qh3+ is not mate because of gxh3, oops.
If Black ever fails to play a forcing move, White has the interesting resource:
Qh8+ Kxh8
b8=Q+ Kg7
Bh6+ Kxh6
haven’t completely analyzed it, but looks like a draw by repetition
so, anon@1:16, your line may not work
For the answer
1… Qh1 2 Kg3 Qe1 3 Kh3
Re3 4 Qe3 Qe3 5 g3 Qg1!
how about white answers with
6 Bf5+ KH7 or Kh6
7 Qh8 ++
I also found Justin’s line with the silent move Qg1.
I do not understand this (referring to our “solution” (if it is one)) post at all:
“If Black ever fails to play a forcing move, White has the interesting resource:
Qh8+ Kxh8
b8=Q+ Kg7
Bh6+ Kxh6
haven’t completely analyzed it, but looks like a draw by repetition
so, anon@1:16, your line may not work”
1. What is the advantage of the new queen on b8 to that of the old queen?
2. Isn’t the second Qh8 (I predict this Qg8+ to be a Qh8+) which is said to be a repetition a mating move?
3. Why should the black king be forced to take that bishop?
Please, author of that post, enlight me!
“how about white answers with
6 Bf5+ KH7 or Kh6
7 Qh8 ++”
Bf6+ (instead of the posted Bf5+) is answered by Nxf6.
I think both 3.Nf2+ and 2.Re3+ wins…it’s just that the first line lead straigth to mate.
2.Kg3 Qe1+
3.Kh3 Nf2+ (A)
A) 3…..Re3+
4.QxR QxQ+
5.g3 Qg1
6.Qh8+ KxQ
7.b8(q)+ Kg7
8.Bh6+ NxB (B)
9.Qe5+ Nf6
10.Qxd5 (10.Qe2 Ng4 wins for black) Ng4
and black wins
9.Qd8+ Kd6
10.Qe8+should draw
4.Kh2 (4.Kg3 Re3+ 5.QxR QxQ+ 6.Kh2 Ng4+ 7.Kh1 Qe1#) Qh1+
5.Kg3 Ne4+
6.Kf3 [6.Ke3 Qf2+ 7.Ke3 Qd2#] Qf1+
7.Ke3 Qf2+
8.Kd3 Qd2#