All 4 UMBC – UTB games are intense. Too early to tell.

In the Texas Tech – UTD matchup, IM Papp once again offered a Knight sacrifice against IM Ludwig. It’s a double edge position. If UTD beats Texas Tech, they will get 3rd place. Texas Tech is still mathematicall alive (but very slim) to get 2nd. If Texas Tech ties or beat UTD, Texas Tech will get 3rd.

Big drama in the final few minutes. GM Gareev defeated GM Kritz to give UTB a 2-1 advantage. However, GM Erenburg is up 2 pawns in a Rook and Pawn endgame against GM Flores. If Erenburg can convert, UMBC will retain the National Championship.

Texas Tech and UTD drew on board 1 and 3. IM Papp is up a pawn in a R + P endgame vs. IM Ludwig. But IM Bercys has a substantial advantage against Chase Watters.

GM Erenburg won to give UMBC a tie with UTB and retains the National Championship. IM Papp defeated IM Ludwig to give Texas Tech 3rd place.

Congratulations to UMBC!

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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