Chess trainer’s seminar to be held in Fiji
Arin Kumar
Monday, February 03, 2014
THE World Chess Federation (FIDE) has confirmed they will host a trainer’s seminar in Fiji in March.
A regional seminar was conducted in the Solomon Islands last week where two Fijian officials became certified trainers and arbiters.
FIDE CEO Geoffery Borg and Asian Chess Federation deputy president Casto Abundothen travelled to Fiji to meet with Fiji Chess Federation president Dr Virgilio de Asa.
Borg said FIDE is impressed with how the sport had developed in Fiji.
He said they were looking to equip more Fijian with trainers certificates to ensure that Fiji continue with the development effort.
“We have been just meeting the chess community in Fiji and we will definitely come back for a more extended visit,” Borg said.
“In March we will conduct a trainer’s seminar in Fiji on the main island and will involve as many interested participants as possible.”
He said they had been in touch will official from Fiji and monitoring the development through what they read and see in the media coverage.
“Fiji is doing quite well in chess and has some of the best young players in the region.
“The officials have been doing quite a good job in development we look forward to more positive things from Fiji.”
More great work by FIDE.