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The 38th edition of the Greek Chess League is taking place 5th – 11th of July, 2010, in Olympic Boxing Center, Peristeri. It is organized by the Greek Chess Federation, Pnevmatiki Stegi Peristeriou, and Municipality of Peristeri and the chief arbiter will be IA Sotiris Logothetis.
A total of 473 players, of which 73 titled, participate in the Greek Team Chess Championship 2010. The top seeded players are GM Ivanchuk Vassily , GM Navara David , GM Nielsen Peter Heine , GM Bologan Viktor , GM Naiditsch Arkadij , GM Macieja Bartlomiej , GM Azmaiparashvili Zurab , GM Hammer Jon Ludvig , GM Balogh Csaba , GM Istratescu Andrei , GM Kritz Leonid , GM Lupulescu Constantin , GM Negi Parimarjan , GM Ragger Markus , GM Bartel Mateusz , GM Chatalbashev Boris , GM Kempinski Robert , GM Sjugirov Sanan , GM Kryvoruchko Yuriy , and the local heroes GM Banikas Hristos , GM Halkias Stelios , GM Kotronias Vasilios.
If only someday we could see a US chess league that could attract many, foreign 2600+ GMs!
Not as long as the same bozos are running the USCF.
Thanks for this, Susan! Love.