Endgame Tricks Breaking News White to move. What is your assessment of this position? How should White continue? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Nd4+ Nxd4
2. h6 … and win
And how does white secure the point after
2 … a4
3. h7 a3
4. h8=Q a2
5. ?
It’s got to be a draw; after, for example
5. Kc2 Qa8
6. Kb2 Qxb7+
7. Nb3 Qxf7
White will trade his queen for the black pawns, and Black’s knight will stop the white pawn.
Sorry for screwing up the line; let me try this again.
5. Qa8 Kb2
6. Qxb7+ Nb3
7. Qxf7 etc.
I don’t see a win. My analysis went:
1. Nd4+ Nxd4
2. h6 a4
3. h7 a3
4. h8=Q a2
5. Qa8 Kb2
6. Qxb7 Nb3
7. Qa7 a1=Q
8. Qxa1 Nxa1
9. Ke3 draw
Mike D.
1. Nd4+ Nxd4
2. h6 a4
3. h7 a3
4. h8=Q a2
5. Qa8 Kb2
6. Qxb7+ Nb3
7. Qxf7 a1=Q
8. Qxf6+ Ka3
9. Qxa1+ Nxa1
Should end up drawing by insufficient material