Well, 4…Rf8+ would only be an option with the back king on e8. And as white is not obliged to take the rook he may as well move his king to g6 instead. There is not hope for black anymore.
1.e7+ Kxe7 2.d6+ Kd8 (Ke8 3.g7 Rg8 4.Kf6 Rf8+! 5.Kg5! wins) 3.g7 Re8+ (Rg8 4.Kf6 Ke8 5.Kg6 wins) 4.Kf6 Re6+ 5.Kf7 Rxd6 6.g8=Q+(In this ending we need to stop the rook from getting back to e6) Kc7 (Kb7 7.Qd8 Kc6 8.Qc8+ Kd5 9.Ke7)7.Qg3 Kc6 8.Qc3+ and 9.Ke7 next
1.e7+ Ke7 2. d6+ K..8 3.g7 R..8 4.Kf6 and the endgame is lost for Black since the white pawn is in the sixth rank already.
”1.e7+ Ke7 2. d6+ Ke8 3.g7 Rg8 4.Kf6”
What if 4…Rf8! ?
Well, 4…Rf8+ would only be an option with the back king on e8. And as white is not obliged to take the rook he may as well move his king to g6 instead. There is not hope for black anymore.
Deep V
1.e7+ Kxe7 2.d6+ Kd8 (Ke8 3.g7 Rg8 4.Kf6 Rf8+! 5.Kg5! wins) 3.g7 Re8+ (Rg8 4.Kf6 Ke8 5.Kg6 wins) 4.Kf6 Re6+ 5.Kf7 Rxd6 6.g8=Q+(In this ending we need to stop the rook from getting back to e6) Kc7 (Kb7 7.Qd8 Kc6 8.Qc8+ Kd5 9.Ke7)7.Qg3 Kc6 8.Qc3+ and 9.Ke7 next
To Deep V
4.Kf6 Rf8!
5.Kg6 Rg8
So, must be 5.Kg5!
Ya! 5.Kg5 is quite an amazing move!!!
At the risk of insulting anyone’s intelligence, I trust that nobody here would fall for:
1.e7+ Kxe7
2.d6+ Kd8
3.g7 Re8+
4.Kf6 Rg8
5.Kf7 Re8
6.g8=Q Rxg8
7.Kxg8 Kc8
8.Kf7 Kb7
9.Ke7?? Kc6!
”1.e7+ Kxe7
2.d6+ Kd8
3.g7 Re8+
4.Kf6 Rg8
5.Kf7 Re8
6.g8=Q Rxg8
7.Kxg8 Kc8
8.Kf7 Kb7
9.Ke7?? Kc6!”
Of course,
9.Ke8 wins.