Q: Will you work with Bill Goichberg, Randy Hough and Joel Channing if you’re elected?

Yes, absolutely. They have done a lot for chess and I respect them. Unfortunately, some politicians tried to divide the leadership of the USCF by spreading false rumors. I have criticized the USCF as a whole, for its inefficient structure, less than desirable results, and petty politics. These problems have gone back for decades. This election is about new direction, new vision and helping the USCF. This election is not about us versus them.

Q: Why haven’t you responded to the countless unfair and vicious attacks against you in the USCF forums and on various news groups?

Well, I can’t say that many of the comments are not hurtful or even harmful. However, for the sake of the USCF, I will bite my tongue and not respond to any of them. Otherwise, we would be back to the same problems of the USCF that I vowed to change. If I respond, they will counter with something else and we will just be going back and forth without an end result. This is how hatred and animosity started with many chess politicians in the past. I want to unite everyone and therefore, I must make that sacrifice. I will lead by strong positive examples. I just hope that the voters will understand the truth from the lies.

Q: Some people have tried to use your recent marriage against you. Why did you decide to announce it in Texas?

This is the unfortunate part about chess politics. Some chess politicians will say whatever they want without regards to the truth. What can I do about it? Some of these people should be ashamed of themselves for behaving this way.

First of all, the media in Lubbock, Texas announced my marriage a few months ago when I was there to discuss with Texas Tech officials about SPICE. Our families and probably hundreds of friends knew about it.

Secondly, I consider this my personal affair and it is none of their business. I really do not care if they feel differently. Do they even think about what they are doing to my sons who are 6 and 8 years old? Is this the price we have to pay to do good things for chess?

I married my long time best friend. My children love him. I hope that everyone could experience true love. I am very happy with my life right now and I am looking forward to doing even more for chess in the future. And these chess politicians want to politicize this? Shame on them!

Q: What do you think about the candidates in this election?

I believe there are 7 candidates with strong credentials. It is unfortunate that there is no debate or discussion about the experience and accomplishments of these candidates. I am sure many voters would like to know what each of the candidates has done for chess in the last 12, 24 or 36 months. It is easy for people to make false promises when it comes to election time. The truth lies in their real accomplishments.

Out of the 10 candidates, I see only 5-6 candidates doing many positive things for the USCF in the past 3-5 years. It is up to the voters to decide if they want to vote for people who have made a difference or the people who promise they will make a difference.

Q: Some of your opponents stated that you, Mr. Truong or Mr. Korenman do not have to be elected to help the USCF raise money or find sponsorships. What is your thought about that?

Again, people can twist things anyway they want. Their analysis is completely flawed and this is a perfect example to illustrate the reason why the USCF has very little success in this area. Imagine if someone comes to you and tell you that a Knight is worth more than a Queen in starting position. What would you think about this comment? I sometimes wonder about their motives for wanting to retain the status quo.

The bottom line is we have repeatedly offered to help. Our phones never rang once. No one from the Executive Board called us for help. We have no authority to do anything without the consent of the USCF and we do not have that consent. In fact, some board members even purposely tried to create a hostile environment for sponsors and supporters.

In addition, why would any sponsor want to deal with the USCF when we have chess politicians including board members insulting, attacking and demeaning our sponsors, supporters and members? This is precisely the reason we kept losing one sponsor after another. This is also precisely the reason why the USCF ED Bill Hall stated in the delegates’ meeting last year that the USCF was having a hard time giving away free ad space in Chess Life to corporations. Many companies do not want to associate themselves with this federation.

Let me be as blunt as possible. The USCF has a serious problem with its image and reputation. This is why I am running. I want to change this image. I want to restore the respectability, integrity, credibility and professionalism to the USCF. Without this, I cannot work miracles. No one can. The bottom line is the USCF needs a new makeover and a new direction. Without the proper professional people, nothing will change.

Each week, I will continue to publish 5 questions and answers about election issues. If there are questions you would like to ask, please feel free to post them. I will choose the 5 most relevant questions each week to respond.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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