Daily Chess Improvement: Mate in 5! White to move and checkmate in 5. Puzzle by Zakhodiakin 8/8/8/p7/8/8/4RKR1/kb6 w – – 0 1
I remember this one well. The first move wasn’t the hard one to find- the second move is much harder to spot, but the denouement is a thing of beauty.
The puzzle is very hard. At first I only got mate in 6. After some time I found how to solve it
1. Rg1 a4
2. Rc2 a3
3. Ke2 a2
4. Kd1 Bxc2+
5. Kxc2#
It is very beautiful.
According to my notes, this has been posted here twice before, the first being Feb 20, 2014.