A tough game to win, though. I think black can hold on to the queenside pawns if he plays 2. …Ke8 3.Re8 Ke8 rather than take immediately at f8 (it allows the rook to safely stay on the 7th rank). Not sure if the h-pawn can be held, would require a really longer think than I have time for tonight.
Just to outline my thoughts before turning in for the evening, since I can already see I have made an error in my first comment:
1. Re6 Qe6
2. Rf8 Kf8
3. Qe6 Rd8
It is this, or drop the d-pawn. Continuing:
4. Qh3!?
And now, if black tries to hold on to the h-pawn with 4. …h6, 5.Qa3+ wins the queenside pawns. If black tries 4. …Kg8, then 5.Qc7 looks really strong to win at least the d-pawn again, though the win is still tough.
1. Re6 Qxe6 2. Rxf8+ Kxf8 3. Qxe6
1. Re6 Nxe6 2. Qh5+ g6 3. Qxh7+ Ng7 4. Qg8#
1. Re6 Qa3 2. Ree8 should win.
A tough game to win, though. I think black can hold on to the queenside pawns if he plays 2. …Ke8 3.Re8 Ke8 rather than take immediately at f8 (it allows the rook to safely stay on the 7th rank). Not sure if the h-pawn can be held, would require a really longer think than I have time for tonight.
Just to outline my thoughts before turning in for the evening, since I can already see I have made an error in my first comment:
1. Re6 Qe6
2. Rf8 Kf8
3. Qe6 Rd8
It is this, or drop the d-pawn. Continuing:
4. Qh3!?
And now, if black tries to hold on to the h-pawn with 4. …h6, 5.Qa3+ wins the queenside pawns. If black tries 4. …Kg8, then 5.Qc7 looks really strong to win at least the d-pawn again, though the win is still tough.
Alternatively, black could try…
1. Re6 Qe6
2. Rf8 Ke7
3. Re8 Ke8
4. Qe6 Kd8
5. Qg8
And I was wrong, there is literally no chance to save the h-pawn in this line:
5. ……….Kc7
6. Qh7 d4
And black can put up resistance.