Cuban chess players will compete against world-renowned players in Central America
June 17, 2009

Cuban chess players will compete against world-renowned players in Central America in the next few weeks.

Grand Masters Lázaro Bruzón and Neuris Delgado will participate in the men’s tournament of the 2.3 American zone.

The competition was postponed last month, when Ecuador gave up its condition as a host, so it will be held in Costa Rica from June 19 to 26.

The first two players at the tournament will qualify for the World Cup in 2010.

At the same time, Grand Master Maritza Arribas and FIDE Master Yanira Vigoa will compete in the women’s contest of the regional tournament in El Salvador.

Fourteen female players are expected to participate in the tournament, but only one player will qualify for the World Championship.

Source: Cuba Headlines

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