Create your own caption Amber, Chess caption, Monaco Photo by Fred Lucas Can you create a clever (but clean) caption? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I’m allergic to losing.
He took my Queen again MOMMY!
who had beans for lunch??
Oh no, lice again!
How dare you play 2.Qh5 to my French defence? Only I can play 2.Qh5, to Sicilian or any other defences?
My openings stink
Naka on Magnus’ track
No monkey business please
This blindfold play has consequences!
You propose a draw???
A former “bad boy” wrinkles his nose at … himself?
Boo hoo, that big bully captured my king. Boo hoo.
Waaa. I lost another game, but it’s not my fault. Waaaa.
Damn, this pawn was poisoned!
Ouch, those bad “Create your own caption jokes” stink 🙁
God, did I really lose to Kramnik?