Barrack Obabma’s robotic approach to his Presidential campaign of public grandstanding and JFK inspired speeches reminds me alot of a film starring Robert Redford called ‘The Candidate’. After Redford’s well acted performance of charm, wit, and ambition, and after he wins the election, Redford’s character asks his campaign director, “What do I do now”? Barrack you cant just talk the talk YOU HAVE TO WALK THE WALK!
More proof the GOP and McCain will win. The people in this caricature (oops…for the Europeans reading…better grab your dictionary! That’s an extremely big word for you to comprehend!) will not win in November.
The term ‘caricature’ is derived from the Italian caricare- to charge or load’ (Wikipedia), and as an European I fully understand the term. I would appreciate it if you could stop insulting us superior beings 🙂
I wish I had been born in Iran! I’m so intimidated by smart women!
Mommy…help me!
Obama said: King me, Hillary!
Hillary said: No, you King me Obama!
Somewhere in the background, a dog barked.
“I’ve got the White pieces, and she’s got ones that don’t make Queens. Looks like we’re heading for an Armageddon tiebreaker.”
Obama tells Hillary after Im elected Im going to rename America, Nigeria!
Wow Susan after you put this piece on your site I wonder who you are voting for.
Ahhhh…..Is this going to be a repeat of the Topalov – Kramnik game of Linares 1997
Barrack Obabma’s robotic approach
to his Presidential campaign
of public grandstanding and JFK inspired speeches reminds me alot
of a film starring Robert Redford called ‘The Candidate’. After Redford’s well acted performance of charm, wit, and ambition, and after he wins the election, Redford’s character asks his campaign director, “What do I do now”? Barrack you cant just talk
Dumb and Dumber
“I want to be Queen”
“I want to be subjugated “
“Try to beat me now!”
What a pair of queens.
this cartoon say it all. lolol
She’s not playing his game!
Funny. The chessmaniacs on this blog haven’t noticed that the checkers pieces are all on red squares. Checkers only uses the black squares.
Not a drawing position.
WCM Claudia Munoz
4th grade
Silly white woman…I will officially rename the “White” House to the “Black” House!!!!!!!
And this silly cartoon has WHAT to do with chess?????
More proof the GOP and McCain will win. The people in this caricature (oops…for the Europeans reading…better grab your dictionary! That’s an extremely big word for you to comprehend!) will not win in November.
The term ‘caricature’ is derived from the Italian caricare- to charge or load’ (Wikipedia), and as an European I fully understand the term. I would appreciate it if you could stop insulting us superior beings 🙂
“I would appreciate it if you could stop insulting us superior beings :)”
Ha! Ha!
Now go shave your armpits deary! The fur is showing and you don’t want to scare the nice American boys…
Why does Hillary look like mad pig?
She is bright pink and have pig nose in this picture!
Obama looks intelligent and reserved.
Is this cartoon biased?
“She must have a ‘checkered’ past.”
Sam in Lubbock