Vladimir Kramnik vs. Magnus Carlsen (Botvinnik Memorial 2011)
Vladimir Kramnik vs. Magnus Carlsen (Botvinnik Memorial 2011)
Posted on March 17,2014 By GM Damian Lemos in Strategy & Game Review, All Articles w/ Videos, Blitz/Bullet Chess, General Chess Articles. In this video, GM Damian Lemos analyzes a game between world champions in the Botvinnik Memorial Rapid in Moscow 2011. We’ll see a Polish Defense (a very unusual opening in top elite tournaments!) in a game where GM Vladimir Kramnik gains space, mobility and control of the board, something from which Carlsen won’t be able to recover; White will then launch a very aggressive and decisive kingside attack![…]
Super-GM Grischuk: Crushing The Sicilian Defense
Posted on March 10,2014 By GM Damian Lemos in General Chess Articles. The Sicilian Defense is one of the most dangerous chess openings that black can employ against 1. e4 as the resulting middlegame positions are usually very dynamic and double-edged. In this chess video excerpt from the Empire Chess DVD ¨Grandmaster Secrets – Alexander Grischuk¨ Grandmaster Damian Lemos takes a detailed look at a hyper-aggressive set-up for white against the Paulsen Variation of the Sicilian Defense, specifically the Taimanov Vari[…]
Crushing the Nimzo-Indian Defense – Analysis by GM Damian Lemos
Posted on March 03,2014 By GM Damian Lemos in Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, Classic Games (Pre 2010), General Chess Articles. The Nimzo-Indian Defense is a tough chess opening to crack as black is able to establish a very strong bind in the center on the light-squares. However in this chess video, Grandmaster Damian Lemos analyzes a dominant win by Super-GM Vassily Ivanchuk over GM Alexander Graf. Ivanchuk is able to create instant pressure in the center with rapid development of his queenside pieces, however this leaves him seriously behind in development on the kingsi[…]
Crash Test Chess with GM Simon Williams
Posted on February 24,2014 By William in Strategy & Game Review, All Articles w/ Videos, Classic Games (Pre 2010). The below chess video is an excerpt from the chess DVD ¨Crash Test Chess 2¨ featuring Grandmaster Simon Williams, a well-known British Grandmaster with over 10 years of chess teaching experience. Viewers will learn about advanced chess strategy as GM Simon Williams dissects a classic encounter between Aaron Nimzowitsch vs Akiba Rubinstein in Dresden 1926. White emerges from the opening with an advantage due to better developed and coordinated pie[…]
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Dangerous opening.