Informed Reader
May 4, 2007; Page B6
Chess Teaches Kids Skills, But Not the Ones Claimed

Chess fosters some remarkable skills in children, but one journalist who specializes in education says the sport’s intellectual benefits to kids are overrated.

Chess is well into its latest wave of popularity among American children. During the previous craze, many students hoped to emulate Bobby Fischer, who in 1958 became at age 14 the youngest U.S. champion in history. Once the career of the flashy but highly eccentric Mr. Fischer faded in the 1970s, so did chess and chess clubs. More than a decade later, parents and educators succeeded in returning chess to schools, believing that it imparted skills that would help kids later in life. “By the late 1980s,” writes Ann Hulbert, “chess had acquired cachet as a cutting-edge youthful extracurricular pursuit.”

But Ms. Hulbert, who has written widely about children’s development, takes issue with those who tout chess as a key to classroom success, linking it with better reading scores, problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Instead, she says, recent studies suggest that the memorization of chess positions that all top players rely on doesn’t translate well to other areas. Chess’s complexity also can draw an obsessive personality away from other school pursuits, including classes. Star chess players aren’t necessarily standout students.

Instead, Ms. Hulbert says chess’s benefits for students are more mundane. Chess encourages kids to do “the hard work of honing basic skills and then discovering their own styles” — a rare combination of fostering freedom amid rigorous standards and rules. Plus, chess is one of the few competitive school sports where the spirit of amateurism still reigns. No student goes into chess for the fame or money.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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