World chess champ returns to NJIT for chess challenge
by Chanta L. Jackson
The Star-Ledger
Monday February 09, 2009, 5:42 AM

Renowned chess champion, Chitra Sridhar, a graduate student in the College of Computing Sciences at New Jersey Institute of Technology, has challenged the university community to a play-off on Wednesday. The event, which is open to the public, begins at 2:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Campus Center.

Sridhar, now a Harrison resident, is enrolled as a master’s degree candidate, majoring in computer science. She will compete against 20 contenders simultaneously. As students lose, others will be substituted so that at any time Sridhar will always be playing 20 contenders.

Sridhar, who grew up in Bangalore, India, has been playing the game since she was 6 years old. Her first major victory was winning the under-eight-year category for the Indian National Championship in 1992. Four years later, she was crowned the bronze winner in the World U-12 Rapid Chess Championship in Paris. She has since ranked among the top 10 winners on two occasions in the World Championships in 2000 and 2002 and tied for 10th place in the World Youth Olympiad held at Moscow in 2000.


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