Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 China 22 8 5 35
2 United States 10 9 15 34
3t South Korea 6 7 3 16
3t Australia 5 4 7 16
5 France 2 7 6 15
6 Russia 3 8 3 14
7 Italy 6 4 3 13
8t Germany 6 2 3 11
8t Japan 5 3 3 11
10t Britain 2 2 3 7
10t North Korea 1 2 4 7
Source: AOL Sport
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
China has been leading since day one.
Shows the results of massive state support.
In a time where the money is needed for real things, taxpayers should not be forced to have their money spent on useless, pointless activities, which they may not be interested in, all for the sake of ‘national glory’.
Like in the united stats ?
Like in any country.
The money is needed to tackle climate change, and fast.
Fiddling while Rome burns.
No use having ‘national glory’ if we’re all dead.
Australıa has less than 10 percent of US populatıon but has 50 percent of the medals that US got. They must have HUGE state support.
They have some. They are also supported by sports foundations which are funded/sponsored by unnecessary ‘advertising budgets’ which are built in to the price we pay for goods, ie a form of tax by stealth.
Chinese are cheating. Note female gymanstics. Most of them are children, but they should have at least 16 y.o. Note 200 m breaststroke female final. 2 Chinese won. 1st was unknown Chinese who settled new world record. They should use something
Iam sure the Chinese are using a little boost here and there and paying off who they need to.
Shocking indeed. No American would ever cheat by using drugs. Americans are always honest and if anyone Chinese beats them, it means the Chinese are not honest.
It’s a matter of extent.
In democracies, serious attempts are made to detect it.
In one party states, it has often been actively encouraged by the State.
The seemingly fantastic performances of the old communist state of East Germamy is a well proven case in point.