Anna Rudolf’s case update
a look at FIDE ethics code

Vandoeuvre open – report with photos
The story of Anna Rudolf – as told by Marie Boyarchenko
Interview with Anna Rudolf – emotional interview with Anna after Vandoeuvre open

Anna Rudolf’s case that Chessdom published several days ago has risen several important questions.

1. The shaking hands problem has been described in Has there been anyone punished for not shaking hands until now? What is the standart procedure to file a complaint to the ethics commision?
2. Can false accusations be punished and in what way according to the FIDE laws?
3. If a player is at the place of Anna, where should he look for his rights during the tournament?
4. If the player who did not shake hands is forfeited according to FIDE laws, will the standings change?
5. What is more dangerous today, cheating or cheating paranoya?

With the kind help of our friend Mr. Geoffrey Borg, CEO of Global Chess, we finally got in touch with the FIDE office. From there came a fast reply to our questions.

FIDE letter

With reference to your email to Geoffrey Borg regarding the above event, I attach the link to the FIDE Code of Ethics.

If any party believes that they have a complaint under this code, then it should be forwarded to the FIDE Secretariat at who will then forward it to the Ethics Commission.

The laws of chess have not been amended for the refusal of players to shake hands. The matter was discussed in Antalya at the Ethics Commission and the Arbiter’s Council but no final decision was taken. Further consideration will be given to the matter.

David Jarrett
Executive Director

Simple and clear. The answer to some of the questions above do not leave any doubt. There are serious violations of the FIDE ethics code in the Anna Rudolf’s case. First, she was deprived of the “fair play and good sportsmanships” stated in the Introduction point 1.1. and point 1.2 continues, “In most cases common sense will tell the participants the standards of behavior that are required.” General and not specific one would say, but this is only the introduction. Point 2.2.4 specifies a breach as, “Failure to comply with normally accepted standards of courtesy and chess etiquette. Misbehavior of a personal nature which is generally unacceptable by normal social standards.”

Now if there is an active FIDE ethics commision this should not leave any question. The rules even resolves the non shaking hands problem, that “was discussed in Antalya but no final decision was taken”. Point 2.2.4 says it is a violation and no further addition to the Ethics code is necessary. Adding to these events the possibilyty of “3.6 intimidating conduct” should leave to a fast decision.

Stay tuned for updates as letters are expected from the tournament director, the chief arbiter, GM Bauer, and several more players.


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