If you do not see the mate after 1. Qxg7+ ths slow and simple to find 1. h6 seems to win, too. I have to admit that I found that move at once and stopped thinking and so didn’t find the mate. After 1. h6 g7 is in extreme danger so 1. -, Qd7 or 1. -, Qh4+ 2. Bh2, Qxg5 but then 2. (or 3.) hxg7+ and in this very cute situation black must play QxP and Be5 wins the queen for nothing. Of course 1. Qxg7+!! is the best move but I do not think it i the only winning move. Have I overseen anything?
PS: to the first annonymous: is it fun posting that sentence again and again?
White avoids trouble by checkmating him! It’s the only way to do it. And here its how is it done. First I win a pan on g7 for a queen, then i give a check with my bishop and black king has no escape except to play a move not by the rules.
Are you the same pessimist from that last two-mover puzzle? Hah. This is another 5-second exercise, something that nobody should miss in a blitz game.
Ok, note that if that annoying pawn on g7 were gone, black would be checkmated. And that white’s bish and queen would equally mate were that pawn missing. And that white’s rook and pawns box in black’s king from every square surrounding g7.
Put those together and the answer is obvious: sack the queen to remove the g-pawn and replace the queen with the bish for mate:
I’m suspicious of the first ‘anonymous’, the one PS’d to … It looks like they are ‘flaming’, and responding to ‘SP’ posts v quickly – almost as if they knew straight away that they had been posted
so I would have drawn that game to you if it was a blitz game (in which I probably wouldn’t have found that queen sacrifice). Bd4 is a really nice defense to the “normal” attack on the pinned pawn (*) with 1. h6?.
Many thanks to you!
(*) That is what I see first and not everything what Tvtom sees in just 5 seconds. So I first think of attacking the pinned figure which is in a real game mostly the correct move (especially attacking pinned figures with a pawn!) – if I had found that defense with Bd4 then (after several time had already passed) I would probably have found the sacrifice. Tvtom, I can’t share your opinion that this is a “5-second exercise” and I don’t think many others here do so…..
White is so lost!
1.Qxg7+, Kxg7
2.Be5#, Am I missing something??
1.Qxg7 Kxg7 2.Be5#
What the other two anonymouses said.
White ‘avoids trouble’ by mating Black:
Qxg7+ and Be5mate
why is it so easy?!!
If you do not see the mate after 1. Qxg7+ ths slow and simple to find 1. h6 seems to win, too.
I have to admit that I found that move at once and stopped thinking and so didn’t find the mate.
After 1. h6 g7 is in extreme danger so 1. -, Qd7 or 1. -, Qh4+ 2. Bh2, Qxg5 but then 2. (or 3.) hxg7+ and in this very cute situation black must play QxP and Be5 wins the queen for nothing.
Of course 1. Qxg7+!! is the best move but I do not think it i the only winning move.
Have I overseen anything?
PS: to the first annonymous:
is it fun posting that sentence again and again?
White avoids trouble by checkmating him! It’s the only way to do it. And here its how is it done. First I win a pan on g7 for a queen, then i give a check with my bishop and black king has no escape except to play a move not by the rules.
“White is so lost!”
Are you the same pessimist from that last two-mover puzzle? Hah. This is another 5-second exercise, something that nobody should miss in a blitz game.
Ok, note that if that annoying pawn on g7 were gone, black would be checkmated. And that white’s bish and queen would equally mate were that pawn missing. And that white’s rook and pawns box in black’s king from every square surrounding g7.
Put those together and the answer is obvious: sack the queen to remove the g-pawn and replace the queen with the bish for mate:
1 QxP+!! KxQ 2 Be5++!
1.h6? bd4!
2.qxd4 (what else?)
2…qh3+ with perpetual.
3.bh2?? fails due to
3… qxf1+
4.bg1 qf3+
5.kh2 qh5+
6.kg2 qxg5+ and black is winning
i’m afraid, the mate in two is the only way to avoid complications…
Vohaul: in that line i don’t see a perpetual. 2… Qh3 3.Kg1 Qg4 4.Kh2 Qh4 (4… Qe2 5.Rf2) 5.Kg2 Qg4 6.Bg3 and wins.
I’m suspicious of the first ‘anonymous’, the one PS’d to …
It looks like they are ‘flaming’, and responding to ‘SP’ posts v quickly – almost as if they knew straight away that they had been posted
Hello Vohaul,
so I would have drawn that game to you if it was a blitz game (in which I probably wouldn’t have found that queen sacrifice). Bd4 is a really nice defense to the “normal” attack on the pinned pawn (*) with 1. h6?.
Many thanks to you!
(*) That is what I see first and not everything what Tvtom sees in just 5 seconds.
So I first think of attacking the pinned figure which is in a real game mostly the correct move (especially attacking pinned figures with a pawn!) – if I had found that defense with Bd4 then (after several time had already passed) I would probably have found the sacrifice.
Tvtom, I can’t share your opinion that this is a “5-second exercise” and I don’t think many others here do so…..
wj wrote: “Vohaul: in that line i don’t see a perpetual. 2… Qh3 3.Kg1 Qg4 4.Kh2 Qh4 (4… Qe2 5.Rf2) 5.Kg2 Qg4 6.Bg3 and wins.”
indeed – in your line after
6.bg3? qxg5 is winning for black…
so, white avoids 6.bg3 and plays 6.kh1/h2 instead – with perpetual.