Elementary school chess tourney draws 200
Adam Crisp Saturday, May 5, 2007 at 12:30 am

About 200 students from eight Chatham County schools participated in a chess tournament Friday in the food court at Savannah Mall.
Organizers said that a Friday chess tournament at Savannah Mall might have been the largest turnout for a local chess event in recent memory.

About 200 students from eight Chatham County elementary schools were on hand.

No winner was declared. Instead, students were playing to brush up on their skills and learn new techniques, said Dorothy Glenn, a teacher of gifted students at Largo-Tibet Elementary School.

Parents and teachers said chess, and events similar to the one Friday, helps students learn a game that requires logic and strategy, and it pulls from a variety of disciplines.

“Chess is a great educational opportunity that is linked to math and problem-solving,” said Linda Olson, principal at Isle of Hope Elementary.

Here is the full article.

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