2009-05-13 17:16:49

Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ Mayor of Ulaanbaatar City G. Monhkbayar met with the President of the Tuva Republic, Russia, K. Ilyumjinov on Wednesday.

The sides discussed a construction of a chess palace in Ulaanbaatar with financing from the FIDE. “I have heard that young Mongolian chess players have won games with members of the State Great Khural. Therefore, their talent should be developed,” Ilyumjinov said.

The chess palace will be a large scientific and training center with a museum about the history of this sport and many other facilities.

FIDE will send its specialists to Mongolia in the near future to make a final decision on the location and other related issues concerning the construction of the palace.

“Our common origin is conducive to boost cooperation,” Monhkbayar said. Ulaanbaatar is ready to provide all necessary preparatory works for launching the construction of the palace. Monkhbayar wished a success to international jorney “Along great Silk Road” financed by the Russian side.

Promising to arrive again to attend festivities devoted to the 370th jubilee of Ulaanbaatar, Mr Ilyumjinov invited Monhkbayar to Kalmykia.

The President of the Kalmykia Republic, Russia K. Ilyumjinov is accompanying the Prime Minister of Russia V. Putin.


Source: http://www.montsame.mn

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