I am very pleased to bring to your attention the fact that in this past week Chess is now being offered as a Board Approved and Authorized (BAA) high school course by the Ministry of Education in British Columbia, Canada. As far as I am aware, this is a “first” in Canada and perhaps in North America. Nevertheless, to have Chess offered as a full credit high school course, on an equal with Science, Socials or Mathematics, is a significant achievement for the Canadian Chess community.

The course will be offered in School District #23 Okanagan, by high school teacher, Luke Campbell, in the 2009-10 school year. I think it is incumbent upon and in the best interest of the North American chess community to support Luke in this endeavor (in knowledge, equipment, books, publicity…etc.) as his successes may be a forerunner for similar approval in other provinces/states and school districts across Canada and the USA. I have attached a copy of the BAA Chess Course template for your enjoyment.

For further information you can contact Luke at lcampbel@sd23.bc.ca
or you can contact me at arnie_nermo@sd34.bc.ca

Arnie Nermo, B.Ed.
Learning Support
Robert Bateman Sec.School
British Columbia
604-864-0220 Ext: 2215

Board/Authority Authorized Course Application

District Name: Central Okanagan

District Number: #23

Developed by: Luke Campbell and Arnie Nermo

Consultation from: Grant Rice, Craig Emter Craig McGuire, Barry Wilcox, Dennis Hazelton, School Names: Mount Boucherie Secondary

Date Developed: March 10, 2006

Principal Name: Lisa McCullough

Board/Authority Approval Date: (TBA)

Board/Authority Signature:

Course Name: “Chess 12”

Grade Level of Course: Grades: 10 to 12

Number of Course Credits: 4 credits

Number of Hours of Instruction: 120 hour’s

Prerequisites: (None) This course should open to any students from Grades 10 to12, with an exception for extremely strong students in Grades 8 and 9.

Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required:
A high school chess course requires a minimum of resources: 15 Staunton chess sets, 4 chess clocks, Chess DVD’s and several chess books, (All available from the Chess Federation of Canada: CFC for under $400), as well as a VCR/TV & computer with school projector. Computer lab time would be very helpful for Internet chess sites.

Course Synopsis:

Chess 12 is a course designed to introduce students to the world of chess. It will give students the opportunity to develop opening strategies, tactical play and end game knowledge; to bring them from a beginner to intermediate level of play (1100 to 1300 CFC rating or an equivalent 200 point increase in rating ability). It will cover a minimum of 15 chess openings; common mid-game strategies and tactics with end-game methods and several checkmating motifs. It will also teach visualization techniques as well as algebraic notation for the recording of games. Chess clock use and chess etiquette will also be taught. There will be a research component on the historic games of several renowned chess masters by reviewing and analyzing a minimum of 30 famous games. This knowledge will then be put into practice with interclass competition and tournaments.

Congratulations to Luke Campbell and Arnie Nermo for making this happen! Well done!

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