Dr. Korenman teaches chess in Orland Park
Russian Native Now Lives In Orland Park
submitted by Margie
August 05, 2008 12:09 PM

ORLAND PARK, IL – Dr. Mikhail Korenman, a native of Voronezh, Russia, returns to the Orland Park Cultural Center to share his love for the game of chess. The Village of Orland Park Recreation Department will offer chess lessons and chess tournaments during its fall season.

Dr. Korenman, who moved to Orland Park in 2006, has played and taught chess all over the world. The department’s fall offerings include a number of chess classes being offered for residents of all ages.

In 2004, the United States Chess Federation named Korenman its Organizer of the Year. Korenman, the founder and former director of the famed Anatoly Karpov School of Chess in Londsborg, Kansas, is director of the Chess for Peace initiate that recently brought former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to Lindsborg to participate in a weekend of Chess for Peace activities.

“Chess is taught in more than 30 countries, mostly as part of classroom curricula,” Korenman said. “Scholastic chess is popular among educators and parents because of the demonstrated positive impact of chess on students’ classroom achievements, especially in math problem solving, science and reading comprehension,” he added, noting, “The value of developing strategic thought patterns in young people is immeasurable.”

Korenman received a Master of Science Degree in chemistry from Voronezh State University before moving to Manhattan, Kansas with his wife, Tamara and their children. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction in Education from Kansas State University.

Here is the full article.

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