Chess exhibition to benefit YMCA
The Monmouth Chess School and Club will host Dr. Edward Allen, U. S. Chess Federation National Master, Life Master and two-time New Jersey State chess champion, to give a 20-board simultaneous exhibition starting at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 6.
The event will take place at The Community YMCA Children’s Cultural Center, 51 Monmouth St. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Community YMCA Strong Kids Campaign.
The board fee is $25. Observer-suggested donation is $15. Please indicate your preference to play white or black. Allen will play black on up to half of the boards.
Signups are on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserve your board with the board fee of $25 payable to The Community YMCA Strong Kids Campaign.
For more information or to reserve a space, contact Michael Koblentz, 732-219- 0916 or email to