I was scanning the Internet today and came across this article by Mark Weeks from About.com 2 years ago. I always enjoy reading his commentary and I even put a link to his site on this blog. I actually read this one before but completely forgot about it. Here are a few excerpts from it:

Elsewhere on the Web : Susan Polgar – World Record Holder

* Susan Polgar does at least two things very well. (1) She knows how to play chess and (2) she knows how to make people pay attention when she plays chess. Her record setting simul this week in Palm Beach Gardens, South Florida, received almost as much media attention as did 2005’s biggest chess news events — Bobby Fischer’s release from prison and Garry Kasparov’s retirement — earlier this year.

* There’s a lot more to Polgar’s popularity than setting records. The eldest of the three Polgar sisters promotes chess all over the map, especially where there are children involved.

Thank you Mark but I cannot take credit for all of it 🙂 I have a talented, competent, energetic and passionate team who help me. These are the people I trust and some of them are joining me in this upcoming USCF election. I would like to see the USCF getting the same professionalism and expertise.

Chess can be marketed and it can be very exiciting if it is promoted right. This is the biggest area of weakness for the USCF until now. This will be heavily addressed in my agenda to improve the USCF.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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