Washington County School District
January 12, 2009

Arrowhead Elementary

We have had a great start to 2009. With the start of the new year our PTA will be offering chess club again. Chess club begins Jan. 15 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 every Thursday until Feb. 19. This is offered for students in grades third through fifth.

The students will receive training on how to play chess and learn different techniques and strategies. The students especially like it once they learn how to play because every Tuesday we have chess tournaments outside.

Thanks to our PTA for getting the club organized. We are going to try something new this next SEP time for setting up conferences. Parents will be directed to go to a Web site and make their own appointments. The goal is to allow parents to pick and block times so they only need to come to school one time for multiple children.

There will be more details to come about this. Thanks for all the volunteers and parents that help and support our wonderful students and great school.

Have a joyous New Year.

Source: http://www.thespectrum.com

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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