but anonymous: what if 1…Kf8? perhaps 2.Ba3+ Ke8 3.Rxe6+ Kd7 3.Rd6+ Kc7 — or something along those lines. After 1…Kf8 2.Rg8+ Ke7 — then what? So perhaps 2.Ba3+ is the best after 1…Kf8. Dunno, it’s too late for me to visualise this, especially as I type without a copy of the board in front of me.
on 1…Kf8 2.Ba3+ Ke8 3.Rxe6+ Kd7 3.Rd6+ Kc7 4.Rdxc6+ Kd7 or d8 5.Rd6+ Ke8 6.Rxc8+ Re7 7.Qe5 mate as black can interpose 2…Qd6 before Ke8, mate is in 8. Am I right? Loïc
1.Rg6+ hg6 2.Qg6+ Kf8 3.Ba3+ Qd6 4.Bd6+ Ke8 5.Qe6+ Kd8 6.Qf7…7.Qe7++.
Posted by Kris.
but anonymous: what if 1…Kf8?
perhaps 2.Ba3+ Ke8 3.Rxe6+ Kd7 3.Rd6+ Kc7 — or something along those lines. After 1…Kf8 2.Rg8+ Ke7 — then what? So perhaps 2.Ba3+ is the best after 1…Kf8. Dunno, it’s too late for me to visualise this, especially as I type without a copy of the board in front of me.
1.Rg6+ hg6 2.Qg6+ Kf8 3.Ba3+ Ke8 4.Qg8+ Rf8 (or Kd7 5.Qxf7 mate) 5. Qxf8+ Kd7 6.Qe7 mate
on 1…Kf8 2.Ba3+ Ke8 3.Rxe6+ Kd7 3.Rd6+ Kc7 4.Rdxc6+ Kd7 or d8 5.Rd6+ Ke8 6.Rxc8+ Re7 7.Qe5 mate
as black can interpose 2…Qd6 before Ke8, mate is in 8.
Am I right?
1. Rxg6+ Kf8
2. Ba3+ Ke8
3. Rxe6+ Kd7
4. Rd6+ Qxd6 (4… Kc7 5.Rxd2+)
5. Qxd6+ Ke8
6. Re1+ Be4
7. Rxe4+ Re7
8. Qxe7++
about the last posting:
on (4… Kc7 5.Rxd2+) there is no mate in 8 moves as the king can escape on b6
Indeed, there is no mate in 8:
4. … Kc7
5. Rxd2+ Kb6
6. Bc5++ is checkmate in 6 moves!
Indeed, yes… good job!
Rxg6 Pxg6
Qxg6+ Kf8
Ba3+ Ke8
Qxe6+ Kd8
Qxf7 Qd7
Rd1 Qxd1
I think this is mate. the Rook d1 move was just to deflect the queen. since the queen ws pinned in front of the king he had to take the rook. see yea
Rxg6 Pxg6
Qxg6+ Kf8
Ba3+ Ke8
Qg8+ Kd7
Qxf7+ Kd8
Rxg6+ Pxg6
Qxg6+ Kf8
Ba3 Qd6
Bxd6+ Ke8
Qxe6+ Kd8
Qxf7 Rc7
Qxc7+ Ke8
i suppose this is the eight move mate.thats what im thinking.
Here’s a mate that actually takes all 8 moves, without assuming 1 … hg:
1 Rxg6+ Kf8
2 Ba3+ Ke8
3 Rxe6+ Kd8
4 Re8+ Bxe8
5 Qh4+ Kd7
6 Qg4+ Rf5
7 Qxf5+ Kd8
8 Qxc8#