Reversal of Fortune: She Makes More Than He
Guys, you don’t have to feel small if your wife earns a bigger paycheck. Join the club.
Not long ago my wife started making more money than me. There, I said it. Don’t think it was easy.
The male ego is strangely fragile when it comes to who brings home the bacon. So, I’ve found, is the female notion of who rules the roost at home.
In adjusting to our shifting roles, my wife and I have had to confront a lot of financial and emotional issues neither one of us saw coming. Who knew a little extra income could be such a burden?
Our family is hardly alone in grappling with that question. In a quarter of households where the wife brings home a paycheck, it’s the big one. That’s up from 16 percent of households 25 years ago.
Here is the full article.
Well there are some lazy guys who simply want a wife to support them.
My wife and I both have our Ph.Ds, but she makes the big bucks in industry while I teach at a local college. I don’t have a problem with it at all. I cook, she does laundry, and we both clean. She pays the bills, I do the bookkeeping and taxes.
It’s a fairly even split, except she gets the couch and the TV remote. Fortunately I don’t watch much TV 😀
My wife works and earns all our income, this has been so since our first child was born. I stay at home, clean house and take care of our two children. When my children got old enough, I started taking them to chess tournaments. It is selfish, I know, I did it more for me than for them, but they seemed to have some fun too (I also drove them to their soccer practice, piano practice, etc. — a lazy guy has to do something with his time). Because I’m unemployed, I have had time to volunteer as chess coach at my daughter’s schools. Our oldest daughter played on her High School’s varsity chess team this year, and I expect our youngest to do so next year. Our oldest daughter will graduate from High School this year and take off to college, it will be another two years for our younger daughter. At that point I’ll have to figure out what to do with myself. Its tough being so lazy all the time, but at least our children always had a parent at home.
yes it works both ways…
I would love my wife to start working but unfortunately she does not have that strong desire to work. I would have shared house chores equally if she starts working. and I dont have any problem if she starts getting more money than me…