Brilliant Checkmate Breaking News White to move. Can you find the fastest checkmate combination? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The best I could come up with is:
1. Re7+ Kh6
2. Qg7+ Kh5
3. Qxh7+ Kg5
4. f4+ Qxf4
5. h4+ Kf5
6. Qf7+ Kg4
7. Qxf4+ kh5
8. Rh7#
Seems long though…
Why say “I”, when it’s obviously your chess program solving this one?
Susan, may I recommend posting strategy problems, instead of tactics?
i don’t think, the first variation is a silicon one … it’s too long 🙂
1.Re7+ Kh6
2.Qg7+ Kh5
3.g4+ Kg5 (3….Kh4 5.Qh6#
4.Qe5+ Kh6 (4…Kh4 5.Rxh7#)
5.g5+ Kh5
by the way:
2…. Kg5
3.h4+ Kf5 (3….Kg4 4.f3+ Kf5 5.Qe5#; 3….Kh5 4.Qxh7+ Kg4 5.Qxg6#)
4.Qe5+ Kg4
no silicon variations, but i used a real chess board, which might be allowed for real chess players?
greetungs, Vohaul
That was inspiring vohaul! I’ll have to make place for a chess board next to my comp, cause of your post!
A question: why couldn’t the computer find the fastest checkmate? Is something wrong with the algorythms? Or maybe my pc is not good, it can’t find?
It’s mate in 8.
Vohaul must have missed
the black queen. Checked
with my program, there is
no short solution.
So anonymous computer was
1. Re7+ Kh6
2. Qg7+ Kg5
3. h4+
3. … Kg4
4. f3+ Kf5
5. Qe5++
3. … Qxh4
4. gxQ+ Kxh4
4. Qf6+ Kg4
6. f3+ Kh5
7. Rxh7++
1. Re7+ Kh6
2. Qg7+ Kh5
3. Qxh7+ Kg5
4. h4+ Kg4 (4…Qxh4 5.QxQ+ Kf5 6.Qf4++)
5. f3+ Kf5
6. g4+ Kf4
7. Qh6+ g5
8. Qf6++
1. Re7+ Kh6
2. Qg7+ Kh5
3. Qxh7+ Kg5
4. f4+ Qxf4
5. h4+ Qxh4
6. QxQ+ Kf5
7. Qf4++
1. Re7+ Kh6
2. Qg7+ Kh5
3. Qxh7+ Kg5
4. f4+ Qxf4
5. h4+ Kf5
6. Qf7+ Kg4
7. Qxg6+ Qg5
8. Qxg5++
[in addition to the solution already supplied by anonymous]
Re7+ and qg7+ is easy. Its also not too bad to find the rest of the moves. Please dont use comps. There is no point, and no fun.
– Vinay
vinay and Susan are right, if you use computers, what’s the point?
oh oh – i concede that i’ve missed these useful queen sacrificing variations which protract the mate to eight moves.
As a practical player i’m used to think pragmatic – for sure … 🙂
greetings, Vohaul
I think it should be 6 moves:
1. Re7+ Kh6
2. Qg7+ Kh5
3. Qe5+ g5
4. Rxh7+ Kg6
5. Rg7+ Kh5
6. Qxg5#
3. … Kh6
4. g5+ Kh5
5. Rxh7#