For some reason I keep looking at 1. Qf4+ g5 2. Rd6+ exd6 3. Qxd6+ , whenever I look at this, but to me it looks the black king can escape to the queenside eventually.
I feel that the goodlooking 1. Rg8 would fail to the enforced line: 1. … Qb8+ 2. Rxb8 a1=Q 3. Qxa1 Rxa1 4. Bxc6 and black is up with quality and pawn, winning. I’m not smart enough to find the winning line for white. But I see an easy draw, however:
1. Qh4+ Kg7 2. Qd4+ will be answered with Kh6 and repetition, because of: 2. … f6 3. Rg8 Kh6 4. Qh4#
This is a pseudosacrifice, of course since the a-pawn is going to queen:
2. Rb8 a1(Q) and I see nothing white can do now with all three men underattack. The best I can find is
3. Qe3 Kg7 4. Rb1 Qb1 5. Bc6 a3 6. Bd5
Here, 6.Qd4, trying for a perpetual is going to fail to the block with f6 (e5 sacrifice might be even better since it buys a tempo by forcing the white queen to move). In any case, black just keeps pushing the a-pawn and the bishop will have to be given up.
I like Rg8
seems over after that (threat is Qh4 as well as Qg7 – cant stop both)
1/ Qf4+ (if 1/ … KH5 then 2/ G4+ Kh4 3/ QH6 mate) 2 … Kg7 3/ QxF7+ KH6 4/ QF4+ KG7 5/ RG8 mate
1 Rg8 fails to 1 … Qb8+, 2 Rxb8 a1=Q
1 Qh4+ doesn’t work, either, because of 1 … Kg7, 2 Qd4+ e5!, 3 Qxe5+ Kh6, 4 Qf4+ Kg7, 5 Qd4+, and the best White can do is a perpetual.
Since White needs to check, there’s only one reasonable one left:
1 Qf4+ g5
Other moves lose faster: 1 … Kg5, 2 g4+ Kh5, 3 Qh6#. Or 1 … Kg7 2 Rg8+! Kxg8, 3 Qxf7+ Kh8, 4 Qg9#.
Now it looks like White is out of good checks, but there’s one left.
2 Rd6+!
White gives up her Rook in order to clear f6 for the Queen.
2 … f6
Other moves lead to the same basic position as the main line: 2 … exd6, 3 Qf6+, or 2 … e6, 3 Qf6+
3 Rxf6+ exf6
The alternatives are 3 … Kh5, 4 Qg4# or 3 … Kg7, 4 Qxg5+ Kh8, 5 Rf8# (or 5 Qg8#).
4 Qxf6+ Kh5
5 g4+ Kh5
6 Rh6#
1. Qf4+ wins. The most challenging line is 1…g5, in which case 2. Rd6+! leads quicky to mate.
Here are the lines after 2. Rd6+
if 2…exd6 3.Qf6+ Kh5 4.g4+ Kh4 5.Qh6#
if 2…Kg7 3.Qxf7+ Kh8 4.Qg8#
if 2…Kh5 3.Qg4#
qf4+ han
1.Qf4+ Kg7 2.Rg8+
or 1…g5 2.Rd6+
1.Rg8 g5(to prevent Qh4 mate)
2.Qg7+ Kh5
1.Qf4+ g5 2.Rd6+! deviation 🙂
2…e6 or 2….exd6 3.Qf6+ so 2….f6 3.Rxf6+ Kg7 4.Qxg5+ and mate soon follows
Ugh… don’t see it clearly… I would try:
1. Bxf7 a1=Q
2. Qf4+ Kh5
3. Bxg6+ Kxg6
4. Rg8+ Qg7
5. Qg4+ Kf6
6. Rxg7
White will mate in a few moves
Same if
3. … hxg6
4. Qg4+ Kh6
5. Qh4+ Kg7
6. Qh8+
I don’t see a quick mate in any line, but a sure win by white.
let´s start with Qf4+:
1. Qf4+ g5
2. Rd6+ exd6
3. Qf6+ Kh5
4. g4+ Kh4
5. Qh6#
or 2. … Kg7
3. Qxg7+ Kh8
4. Qg8/Rd8#
or 2. … Kh5
3. Qg4#
if 1. … Kh5, then
2. g4+ Kh4
3. Qh6#, and
if 1. … Kg7, then
2. Qxf7+ Kh6
3. Qf8+ Kg5
4. f4+ Kh5
5. g4+ Kh4
6. Qh6#
if 3. … Kh5, then
4. g4+ Kg5
5. f4+ Kh4
6. Qh6#
greets, jan
For some reason I keep looking at 1. Qf4+ g5 2. Rd6+ exd6 3. Qxd6+ , whenever I look at this, but to me it looks the black king can escape to the queenside eventually.
I don’t think 1.Rg8 is THE BEST conitunation casue I can play 1..Rb4
I think 1.Qf4+ wins due to forced mate.
What I have calculated is:
1..Kh5 2.g4+ Kh3 3.Qg6#
1..Kg7 2.Qf7+ Kg6 3.Qf8+
Now, if 3..Kh5 then 4.g4+ Kh3 5.Qg6#
If 3..Kg5 4.f4+ Kh5 5.g4+ Kh3 6.Qg6#
1..g5 2.Rd6!+ exd6 (if f6 then 3.Rxf6+ exf6 4.Qf6+) 3.Qf6+ and.. simmilar mate to the previous variations.
What do you think?:)
I am finaly improving in chess?
After second thought there is also a after 1.Rg8 ..Qb8+!
probably better then 1..Rb4
I feel that the goodlooking
1. Rg8
would fail to the enforced line:
1. … Qb8+
2. Rxb8 a1=Q
3. Qxa1 Rxa1
4. Bxc6 and black is up with quality and pawn, winning.
I’m not smart enough to find the winning line for white.
But I see an easy draw, however:
1. Qh4+ Kg7
2. Qd4+ will be answered with Kh6 and repetition, because of:
2. … f6
3. Rg8 Kh6
4. Qh4#
I think Qf4+ should lead to a win here..
If Kg7 then Qf7+ Kh6 Qf4 Kg7 Qf8#
If g5 then Rd6+! exd6 Qf6+ Kh5 g4 Kh4 Qh6#
Qf4+ and Rg8+
Qf4, g5, Rd6, exd6, Qf6..
Mate in 4:
Qf4 – f7 – f4 – f8#.
On 1.Rg8, black should win with Qb8+:
1. Rg8 Qb8!
This is a pseudosacrifice, of course since the a-pawn is going to queen:
2. Rb8 a1(Q) and I see nothing white can do now with all three men underattack. The best I can find is
3. Qe3 Kg7
4. Rb1 Qb1
5. Bc6 a3
6. Bd5
Here, 6.Qd4, trying for a perpetual is going to fail to the block with f6 (e5 sacrifice might be even better since it buys a tempo by forcing the white queen to move). In any case, black just keeps pushing the a-pawn and the bishop will have to be given up.
Oh well, guess I don’t have to do any work on this one at all now that the answers have posted.