Bobby Fischer to St. Louis
By Lubomir Kavalek
Special to The Washington Post
Monday, June 15, 2009; 12:00

Rex Sinquefield, the sponsor of the 2009 U.S. championship and the founder of the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis, purchased Bobby Fischer’s chess collection last Thursday in New York. Sinquefield and his wife paid $50,000 plus an $11,000 commission to the San Francisco-based auction house Bonhams and Butterfields. The collection includes hundreds of chess books and periodicals, galley proofs of Fischer’s best book, “My 60 Memorable Games,” and other personal items. It is encouraging that Fischer’s possessions found a good home and eventually could be displayed to the public.

I am sure that more of Fischer’s memorabilia is floating around the globe. For example, I have letters Bobby wrote to me in the 1970s and several books he signed for me. There is a tape of an interview we made together in Reykjavik in 1972; it was the first radio interview after he became the world champion. I still remember how he operated the tape recorder, making sure that everything he said was chronicled. And there is a rare drawing of Fischer made by a young German artist during the 1967 Interzonal tournament in Sousse, Tunisia. Bobby, who at that time complained about photographers in the tournament hall, did not object to having his portrait made and even signed it.

Here is the full article.

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